Fungi Outer Hebrides

Phylum: Basidiomycota   Family: Agaricaceae

Cystoderma simulatum P.D. Orton

A rare species first recorded in Britain by Peter Orton in 1957. It is one of only two species with arthroconidia. The very small spore size separates it from C. jasonis. Known as a winter fruiter; the two collections here support that. The wrinkled cap, which gives the impression of being dry, is typical. Colour range is from ochre to dull reddish tones

Breitenbach & Kranzlin (1995) Fungi of Switzerland, Volume 4, Agarics, 2nd Part
Watling & Turnbull (1998) British Fungus Flora 8: Cantharellaceae, Gomphaceae & Tricholomataceae
Knudsen & Vesterholt, editors (2012) Funga Nordica
Moser (1983) Agarics and Boleti
Kibby & Harding (2016) Cystoderma simulatum, Field Mycology, Volume 17(3)